Vinyl Decals
Let your personality shine through
Outdoor grade vinyl decals can be cut into a variety of designs and colors to reflect your interests.
You see them every day on cars and business windows and should last years without fading or cracking.
How does it work?
A wall or car decal is a vinyl sticker that is affixed to any smooth surface for decoration and informational purposes. You see them all the time out and about and they're a great way to either get information across, or to just express your impeccable taste in whatever you're interested in. Decals are cut with vinyl cutting machines, which are basically giant printer robots with knives. That's actually kind of terrifying.
Most decals use only one color, but multi-colored designs can be specially cut for added wow factor.
You'll find that Black Rose Ink & Dye is the leader when it comes to quality, professional work. Whether you've got an order for 20 custom t-shirts or an order for 500 - we're the shop that you want working on them. Not only are we dedicated to providing you with the best custom t-shirts at very competitive prices, we also offer a free delivery service within the Ocala area every Friday.